Monday, April 8, 2013

The Host

Alright so my two brothers and I always go to our cousins' house for conference weekend and the girls in my family always go to a movie or something during priesthood session!

Movie choice for this girls night: The Host

Alright I'm as skeptical about Stephanie Meyer as much as anyone! and critical! I have never read this book but wondered how it was and I overheard these two guys talking about it in the Math Lab this past week and they said it was better than expected and not too bad. So I was interested in seeing it just to see.

The Bad

1) The Pace
It started off pretty slow but it got better once it got going. I say the first 30 or so minutes was just plot set up, which was good and important but just slow, I got kinda tired and bored but like I said it picked up.

2) Cheese Factor
Not only was the beginning slow but also fairly cheesy but the awkward, ridiculous cheese subsided and got better.

The Good

1) The story
I actually like sci-fi. I find it to be pretty fun and some of my favorite plots and stories from sci-fi involve aliens. This story was actually pretty good I quite enjoyed it. They did very good portraying the story, although there were some holes (from what my aunt and cousins told me who did read the book).

I really thought they did well making the audience conflicted between the two love interests. I loved one because he was so attractive but he was mean to the Wanda but so sweet to Melanie. I loved the other because again, attractive, and he was so sweet and kind to Wanda. It was precious to watch. I was just as conflicted as she was, although I definitely know who I would choose if I had to choose!!! :)

I also think that the message in the movie was pretty good as well. The whole purpose for the invasion is to heal and to perfect. They came because humans were constantly fighting and killing they came to make us be kinder and more honest. But the invaders were intrigued by the human race. The aliens call each other souls and were so shocked to find that humans have souls as well. It was just a good message and the hope that there is in humanity.

2) The Cast
The cast was incredible, they were all very good and fun to watch. Saoirise Ronan as Melanie/Wanda. She did so well playing both parts it was quite impressive! I like her a lot, I'm sure whatever else she will be in I will be tempted to see it just because of her. Max Irons as Jared Howe and Jake Abel as Ian O'Shea. These three were incredible and I love them. Also William Hurt is in this movie which I was very impressed by!

3) Music
The music was really well done and I appreciated it. The last song of the movie (towards the end and the beginning of the credits) is one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands! Imagine Dragons!! :)

Overall, I recommend this movie. My aunt and cousins enjoyed this movie as well. I'm not sure if I will see it again in the theater but I would watch it again. Definitely, dollar theater and we shall see if I buy it when it comes out.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Percy Jackson

I am so excited!!! I saw a movie trailer the other night and I am so excited!!!
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters

I love this series! I have always been intrigued and interested in Greek and Roman mythology, I think it all started with the Disney movie Hercules!

Hercules was one of my favorite movies as a kid and I remember watching it all the time and wanting to be Meg all the time. This movie started my love of mythology. I remember being a freshman in high school and there was a unit on mythology and I absolutely loved it! I have even taken several mythology type classes at BYU in the Classical Traditions department. I loved reading these books and seeing the connections made to mythology and past stories that I have read previously.

My mother introduced me to the Percy Jackson series and I remember reading all of the five books within a weeks time. I loved these books and was so excited when I discovered that they were going to make them into movies. The first one Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief came out when I was a freshman here at BYU and my friend and I went to the midnight showing because we were so excited! I remember we were the oldest people there that were not parents. We felt kinda silly but we really wanted to see this movie. We walked out of the theater and we did enjoy ourselves but were also quite disappointed because it lacked many of the plot points of the book and many differences.

I was upset because I was afraid they would not make the second one let alone the rest of the series because this was really lacked plot and story and changed some things.

I am excited for Sea of Monsters because it looks like it is bringing the story back
1) It has the oracle!!
The oracle is the serious plot development in the books because she hands out the quests for the demigods to go on to often times save the world.
The Oracle gives I call them “mini-quests” something that reveals the plot for each book which is to help the “great prophecy” which is the purpose of the entire series.

2) It seems to have many of the vital points of the book in this movie but that is just from seeing the trailer so we shall see, anything can happen.

3) They have many of the same actors, which I appreciated because I quite liked the cast they had. Especially Percy, because while reading the books I fell in love with this stupid fictional boy and it was nice to have Logan Lerman portray him because I find him extremely attractive!!
4) Anabeth is a blonde!!!
It really bugged me in the first movie when Anabeth had brown hair when she is suppose to have blonde but she does so I am happy!!

5) They brought in more characters from the books into this movie that were supposed to be in the first one but were not! Like Clarisse, from Ares! She is an irksome character but kinda important. Also it looks like they brought in Tyson who I also love so that’s exciting! They also have Dionysis who I greatly missed in the first movie!!! 

6) Nathan Fillion is in it!!!! :) I love Castle!! 
I am so excited for this! One of my favorite books are coming back to be put into movie and I hope it is better than the first!!! I cannot wait! I want to reread these books again so I think I have my summer book list planned.. at least for a week anyway, and then I can start the continuation story over again and read the new ones!!!

Sunday, March 31, 2013



Dude!!! The title of my blog and the background of my blog is inspired by my favorite superhero: Batman and I haven’t even blogged about it!!! Well here it is.

I am obsessed with Batman! I have loved him for as long as I can remember and I’m sure my older brother Joe has had something to do with that. I remember getting my brother’s old Batman pajamas with the cape and everything! We would watch the cartoons together all the time and the movies.  

I love these movies, even the older ones with Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker. These new ones are even more amazing!! I love these so much, they are definitely my favorite and there are parts of each one that I love!!!

Batman Begins
I love the quotes:
"Why do we do when we fall!!
So we can learn to pick ourselves back up!!"
I love this because it is perfect for life. No matter what happens in our lives we just pick up and carry on!!! And Liam Neeson is in this one, even if he is the bad guy he is still awesome!!!

The Dark Knight
This is my ultimate favorite!!! Joker is my favorite bad guy in the Batman series; I am a nerd so yes I have a favorite bad guy in just about every superhero series. I remember when this was fist announced and Heath Ledger was to be the Joker. I was very skeptical because dude its Heath Ledger I do not see him as a bad guy but as the dude from 10 Things I Hate about You. This cute little dude. I saw the teaser trailer, which is just a voice over of Bruce and Alfred talking with the bat symbol slowly emerging and at the very end comes the Joker cackle!!! I was completely blown away it was amazing!! From that moment on, any doubts I had about Health Ledger being the Joker were completely dispersed!!! I knew he would be great!!! But I was wrong! He was absolutely phenomenal!!!!

I know many people dislike this one because it is so dark and evil, and I would agree with you it is pretty scary but I like to look at the messages in the movie and the whole purpose behind it. My favorite part of the movie is the scene with the two fairies!!! I love seeing this because it gives me hope in people and the world in general. It is great!

Also who doesn’t love the quote “ the night is darkest before the dawn” or “you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

I love this movie!!!

The Dark Knight Rises
There are many parts of this movie I love! At first I wasn’t completely blown away by it but the more I watched the more I loved! After I first saw it though I had my own issues with it but still loved it! I had a discussion with a film major about this movie and he kept bashing it and I found myself defending it! His biggest argument: This is not about Batman! It was more about Lt. Blake. My response: The point of Batman is that he does what is needed and that anyone can be Batman!
I love when “the Bat” first comes on screen! I also love when the bat signal is finally shown in the movie emblazoned in fire! I also love Blake, He is wonderful and does symbolize everything Batman tries to express. It is awesome!!

Bane is also a great bad guy (although I really do not like the fact the dumb girl was the true mastermind behind everything, it kind of belittle Bane in my eyes), but still amazing!!!

People always compare Joker to Bane, and I do too, it is difficult not to. People often say who they fear most as well. Many say the Joker, I have to agree Joker is such a crazy evil genius that he is terrifying! I am terrified of him. But thinking about it: would I rather be locked in a room with no windows or anything with the Joker or Bane? Uh. Sorry but Bane scares me a bit too much physically I’d take the crazy dude in the make-up!

Overall, these movies are epic and I absolutely love them! I felt these movies made Batman incredible and everyone started jumping on the Batman bandwagon when my brother and I are the drivers of this bandwagon and have been since we were kids!!!

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Media and Family

We discussed Family in the Media in class today and I kept thinking about the media I watch with families and thought of my favorites and how it measures up to the discussion in class.

I love The Incredibles, which was mentioned in class. I love the parents and the kids, especially Dash. I love seeing the family and how they work together and support each other. Yes, they fought and have problems but they work through it. I especially loved seeing Violet and Dash who fight all the time but truly have each others’ back.

I also love Meet the Robinsons. This first starts as a poor orphan kid but ends with his own family. I love this because even the adoptive family can be a great family! Lewis fits perfectly with is adoptive parents. Also I love seeing how great his future family! I love this movie so much and get a little emotional every time I watch it, even just thinking about this movie, while writing this. (I’m ridiculous!)

Now I watch a few family shows but I can honestly say that my absolute favorite family show is The Cosby show.  Claire and Cliff are great parents, let their kids make their own decisions as well as guide and direct them and support them. They are also very funny which reminds me so much of my own family. 

Sunday, March 24, 2013


One of my favorite Disney movies of all time!!! MULAN!!!! I love this movie! It is very funny and I love the music and message!!! It is great!
It is so funny!

This is a movie my roommates and I continuously quote!
"It slipped through my fingers!"
"Dishonor! Dishonor you, dishonor on your cow!"
"You lied to me?!?! And what are you a sheep?!?!"
And so many more!!!

I love how Mulan sacrifices so much to save her father and ends up being a great warrior and saving China. While growing up I always wanted to be just like Mulan: so strong, courageous, nice and caring. One of my favorite parts of the movie is the "Be a Man'
Go Mulan!!!

Also I saw this one day and I thought....Story of my life!!!! haha

Gilmore Girls

Like most girls I absolutely love Gilmore Girls!!!

I remember the first episode I watched that got me interested to watch it. I was babysitting these twin babies and it was their nap time so of course I turned on the tv until they woke up. I was flipping through channels and saw this gorgeous face!!!!

I had no clue what was going on in the show I only saw that beautiful face. ha and yes I got intrigued. ha. But I never watched it again. Until.. My mom discovered it! It was on everyday after school and she and I would watch it together everyday. This was a mother-daughter show through and through!! My mom and I grew even closer.

My roommate Jill has all the seasons on DVD and our roommate Sharlee has never seen them so we decided to introduce her to them and watch them. She absolutely loves them.

We love the dynamic duo of Lorelai and Rory! They are so funny and great. I love Rory and how much she tries to do the right thing and be good and her love of school and books. I think Lorelai is my favorite! She is just so great and funny and loving and just awesome!!!

Rory's best friend Lane is one of our other favorites as well. She is just so great and funny. With her rebellious attitude and rocker chick. We also love how much her band loves her and cares for her!

Now we come to Jess. Even though he is a butt face and irks me sometimes I still love him. I still get extremely excited when he comes on, and yes eye-candy is great!

Now while I was watching these with Sharlee I came to the realization of the number one reason why I love this show so much!!! Its Luke!!!!! Luke is probably my absolute favorite character of the show! He is awesome and I always wanted him and Lorelai to get together because they are perfect and my roommate definitely agrees with me. WE LOVE LUKE!!!!

Sunday, March 17, 2013


Alright! I was not feeling well over the weekend and just wanted to lay down and relax!! And of course when you are not feeling well you always want to watch something as you lay down. I decided to go on Hulu and see what I could watch. I found Sabrina the Teenage Witch!!! I remember watching this show when I was a kid and I loved it so I decided to watch it. It is still awesome. It is very cheesy but very funny as well with interesting story lines. I think I enjoy it just as much now as I did when I was a kid. Of course I love Harvey and want Sabrina and him to be together, Sabrina has the funnies best friends with Jenny and Valerie. Sabrina's aunts, Zelda and Hilda are silly and Salem is conniving and funny. And distain Libby. And as usual Sabrina uses magic and it goes terribly wrong and she has to fix it! I love it because you can relate to Sabrina. You always feel a little selfconsious especially in high school and you have some awesome friends and a boy you have a crush on and hope he likes you back! Fond memories and a great show!

Duck Dynasty

I found another new show, I haven't seen too many of them and they are pretty hard to watch without cable. Duck Dynasty!! I went home for the weekend and watched this with my two brothers and my parents. This show is so funny! This family of hunters just makes me laugh, especially the uncle, Si. He is such a red neck it is hilarious, in fact they all are pretty red neck but it is funny! 

One of my favorite episodes is where the uncle Si is trying to get a new dog to fetch his doves after he shoots them because his other dog wouldn't go get them or he would get them but not bring them back! He goes to find a new one. He comes back with a poodle!! A POODLE!!!! His family starts to make fun of him and who can blame them I mean it is a poodle!! Then Si shoots a dove and has the dog go fetch it and bring it back. The poodle retrieves doves!!! Too bad it looks a little ridiculous in the truck! 

These guys spend so much time having fun, shooting stuff, teasing each other, and drinking their ice tea it is a wonder how they get any work done!!! 

This show is so funny, ridiculous, but funny!!! 

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Ok... I have caved in... I finally have a smartphone and I don't know how I feel about it. I mean the thought of it is pretty cool all the apps and stuff but I think its just gonna be wasted on me. Finding apps is fun though. I am also afraid that I will be so involved and addicted to it once I get the hang of the dang thing!!! I don't want to be glued to my phone checking it every five seconds. I am excited for the new possibilities just hopefully it doesn't take over my life.


I became super busy this week between studying for an epic math test and my broken ankle (which I thought was just a sprain) I have not viewed too much media this week. I have found that I am so much more productive without it (who knew right?!?!). I was able to study for hours and days for my test. I also found more time to nurse my ankle! Although I still listened to my movie soundtracks while I studies to drown out any extra noise in my apartment. I love movies soundtracks. For a long time soundtracks would be all I listened to. When I was in middle school I was exposed to things I did not like and felt very uncomfortable with. The music was not wholesome and often had disturbing messages and lyrics and I just wanted no part of it so I went to soundtracks. I have quite the collection and still listen to them often. I have found that listening to them calms me and allows me to focus. When I listen for just recreational purposes I often imagine what is happening at the movie at that time. I have gotten emotional during movies but it isn't usually because of the great story and plot and performance of the actors but because of the music. For example, While I was watching Lord of the Rings the Return of the King there is a part towards the beginning when they are trying to light the beacons to call for aid. The movie just pans across "Middle Earth" showing everyone light the beacons.  This isn't really a pinnacle part of the movie and nothing is really happening but the music gets me every time. My mom does the same thing. Needless to say... I'm a nerd... and an emotional wimp.

Friday, March 1, 2013


PSYCH... IS... BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I was so stoked for Wednesday Feb 27th because I knew my favorite show was back!!! YES!!!!!! I was looking forward to it the entire day. I kept looking online at the tv guides to see what time exactly it was going to start (because Utah is stupid with its show times)! But I was so excited, if you did not already know!

(SPOILERS!!) This episode picked up where they left of last season (9 months ago... which is way too long to wait!!) on the beach where Henry (Shawn's dad) got shot. This episode is all about Shawn trying to find his dad's shooter and the events going on around it.

The Good:
1) New opening sequences
I love the opening sequences, I love the song and I like seeing the new pictures and looking forward to those new episodes!!

2) It finally answered the question of Henry: is he gonna die or will he live?
I always thought he was going to survive because how can you have Psych without the odd, contentious, respectful, funny relationship of Shawn and Henry?

3) Shawn's love for his father
You always knew Shawn did love and care about his dad but they do fight and argue most of the time. It was good to see how much he truly does love and care for him. He was so angry and upset, he kind of went off the deep end, definite psychological and emotional issues he was experiencing. But I did like seeing the lengths he would go to for his dad. This was the first time you heard Shawn say "I love you" to his dad. He is sitting by his dad's side in the hospital talking to him and he says "I just don't think its time for you to go" and "I love you.............r french toast!"

4) Despite the seriousness of this episode it was still really funny!
It was its typical Psych self. I was laughing throughout the episode. I particularly loved what Shawn did to the Blueberry and then the poor Cranberry. :)

5) Juliet
She was worried about Shawn the entire episode and was always there for Shawn and to quote Shawn near the end of the episode "I have the best girlfriend in the world!" Yes, yes Shawn you do!!! :)

6) Chief Vick
I have always loved Chief Vick but she was particularly awesome in this episode and what she and Shawn did "not" discuss!

7) Lassie
Lassie was awesome in this episode as well. I loved his weapons envy and how he acts like a kid in a toy story when it comes to episode. Who knew he had a favorite type of mine... but of course it isn't surprising if you know Lassie. Also he helped Shawn, showing that despite how much Shawn irks him and frustrates him he does like and care for him like they are friends.

The Bad:
1) Relief too soon?!?!
I was hoping that the question of Henry's fate would have been more up in the air the whole episode and not reveal that he was going to live until the end but they wrapped that up pretty quick, definitely within the first 10 minutes or so. I just thought it would have been better and Shawn's behavior would have made more sense if it wasn't so certain that Henry was going to be fine.

Loved it!!!! Such a great episode, definitely worth the hype! Can't wait until next week!! My show is BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Best Castle Yet!!!

Castle's most recent episode (contains SPOILERS!!!!) had Castle's daughter Alexis kidnapped and Castle is trying to get her back. He leaves and goes to Paris (where Alexis is being held) to get her back himself with old contacts. This was my favorite episode yet, even topping the one where Castle and Becket finally get together, which is saying a lot!!! It was a combination of Taken and Bourne! It was awesome! There were some great epic moments, that just made me so excited!

I predicted that it was Alexis that was the target of the kidnapping not the other girl, but I wasn't sure why. I kept wondering why they would take her, and then when they said when they found out who she was they had to do something. I kept wondering who they thought she was. I had the epiphany of Castle's father a little bit before the show revealed it itself. I loved them finally bringing Castle's father into it and how involved he actually was in Castle's life. I got all teary eyed about the story of how Castle's dad gave him Casino Royale at the library and it made him want to be a writer! And how much he really cares for him, his mother and Alexis!

This episode reminded me so much of how much I love Castle which I was considering because it was making me wonder, but this one was awesome!!!

I think I will watch this one over and over again!!!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Social Media

I was introduced to something interesting today. In church we discussed how we each have a phone, mostly even a smart phone. Also most people have one of the following sometimes even more: facebook, instagram, twitter, and countless others! Now it is not a bad thing to have access to each of these media forms but here is a question that was raised to us: How often do you check these types of media? I thought this was an interesting question. 

It was also mentioned the contrast between the knowledge of the work (like what we get from the internet or social media) and the knowledge of God. How much weight does the knowledge of the world have in our lives? Does it overpower the knowledge of God? Which does your life revolve around? 

Ask yourself these questions. Make sure you distinguish between the knowledge of God and the knowledge of the world and make sure you follow and do the will of the Lord actively search ponder and pray for His guidance. 

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Bourne Movie Marathon

I decided to have a Bourne movie marathon for the long weekend and may I say I was not disappointed!

I have always loved the Bourne movies, such a great series. I enjoy the car chase scenes that occur in every movie, they are just so fast paced and amazing. I also enjoy how Bourne constantly plots and schemes, he is always one step ahead of the people coming after him.

Also, he does some pretty amazing things how he watches the people coming after him and they do not even realize it and his fights using inanimate objects: in the Identity he uses a pen to overpower his assailant, then in Supremacy a rolled up magazine and then in Ultimatum a hand towel. I also love the end song!! It is my and my mom's favorite part!

Bourne Identity is a good beginner movie to get you involved with the characters and the story and it kick started the series. I like this one because it is an interesting concept and intriguing movie making me anticipate the sequels.

Bourne Supremacy in my opinion has the best car chase scene and I love it.
Also Bourne's sneaking is incredible

Bourne Ultimatum is my favorite Bourne film!
It is such a great end and I love that, when movies have boring bland endings it really upsets me but this one ends quite fantastically!

Bourne Legacy is an interesting and fun addition to the Bourne series. I actually really liked this new guy, Aaron Cross. He was fun to watch and he also was a great schemer and planner and did really well with the action sequences. I did not really like the whole drug part of the plot but it is still entertaining. Also I really miss Matt Damon, Jason Bourne. I keep hoping that this is an in-between movie setting up for the next where it will combing Aaron Cross and Jason Bourne. I would love to see those two together kicking trash, these guys coming after Jason and Aaron would not stand a chance if the two joined forces.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Warm Bodies

Alright, so Valentines' Day is a great day to spend with your significant other, celebrate each other and your relationship, but to those who do not have someone its kind of a blah day, nothing much to look forward to, unless you make plans, like I just did. Me and a few friends decided to go watch a movie.  We did not choose a cheesy, love, romantic, chick flicky movie but a more I guess romantic comedy with some cheese...?, I'm not quite sure how to classify this movie. Warm Bodies.

For those who do not know, Warm Bodies is a zombie movie (synopsis on Yahoo!). It is set after this zombie epidemic, it is not certain how exactly it started and it revolves around this zombie who is kind of weird when compared to the rest of the zombies. All he really wants to do is connect with people and remember things, like his name, he thinks it started with an R so he just goes by R. R meets a girl named Julie an feels something for her and decides to save her from the zombies. She sees that he is different and they form a relationship as they struggle to survive. She sparks something in him and makes him grow more human and also touches the other zombies.

I am not a zombie movie type girl, it really does not do it for me. The only zombie type movie I have actually seen and enjoyed was I am Legend, but I actually really enjoyed this movie. I call it a mix between I am Legend and Twilight, but so much better! I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and how good and funny it was.

The Good

1) It was so funny!
R narrates at parts throughout the movie and it is so funny. I wish he narrated more because it is so clever and witty. There are so many good lines in this movie that made me die laughing. Also R has a best friend, who is a zombie, and he is pretty funny as well.

2) The story
I actually did enjoy the love story in this movie. R is just a sweet adorable guy and the girl is pretty awesome as well. R has several precious moments that for a girl makes me go "aww...."

3) R
Would you believe that I fell for a stupid zombie...yeah, well I did. His character is just awesome and he is so sweet and cute. I am glad that every girl I know who has seen it loves this zombie too. One of my friends asked me if it was okay that she fell in love with a zombie? Yeah, he was precious.

The Bad

1) Swearing
There was some swearing in this movie. It all happened during one certain chunk of the movie. The worse of it those was the one "f" word that occurred.

2) It is a zombie movie
It was hard to watch these zombies going and attacking people to eat and survive. This gore and violence was difficult for me to watch, especially the typical eating of brains that zombies do, but luckily the attacking and violence was only during the first little bit of the movie and was alright to push through. And the brain eating did not last too long either.

Monday, February 11, 2013

My Favorite Book

(WARNING!!! If you have not read the books or watched any of the movies you shouldn't read this because I will spoil many things for you, but if you do not care (first how dare you, go experience it for yourself, or 2 then read on...)

I was asked what my favorite book as a child and as of now. It has not changed since i was nine years old, its Harry Potter, now and probably forever. Harry Potter was the first chapter books I read and it is what made me love reading. I can remember my mom and sister reading it to me before I started reading it myself because my fifth grade teacher told me I had to read the book before I saw the movie. In elementary school you were always suppose to bring a reading book with you for whenever they had reading time or you finished something before it was time, I remember bringing the Sorcerer's Stone, and eagerly reading it and the day the first movie came into theater, the day I was going to see it with my family, I remember running into my classroom up to my teacher and waving the Chamber of Secrets in his face saying I could go see the movie!

I love these books so much when the Half-Blood Prince came out I was at Wal-Mart at midnight with my mom ready to get it and start reading it. I was also in line at Wal-Mart for the Deathly Hallows reading it right away. This was the weekend before I was suppose to go to my fifth year of girls camp and I told my mom I am not going until I finished luckily I did and I didn't have to miss girls camp, but I was not the only one, I cannot tell you how many girls brought it with them and spent every free moment they had reading.

These books just slip you away to their world. You are no longer in the world of reality but in the world of magic, mystery, and adventure. Every turn is something new and exciting. While reading, eating and sleeping were such a burden, I can sleep when I'm finished was always my attitude, but that always seemed to fail because I would then start the next book. I have often said how I wish certain aspects of Harry Potter were real, namely two: the time-turner and aparation. The time-turner so I can have a few extra hours of sleep, and more time to just do some things. Aparation so I wouldn't have to use so much gas to get to work everyday, also so I didn't have to walk in the snow to class. Oh and a flying broom would be pretty fun!! Man quidditch.

These books are not just books to me but have taught me so much and is always very inspiring. I love the characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Lupin, Tonks, Sirius, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, Neville, and countless others. I feel so close to these cahracters that I cannot help but be apart of everything. I feel their excitement and success, joy, happiness, nervousness, anguish, fear, anger, love, sorrow, and despair. I weep (every freaking time!!!) one of my beloved friends has died and for those who linger on mourning and missing those dear ones we love.

These books have so many messages that bring chills down my spine and really make me consider things. I love all of the lessons of being self-less, love, friendship, loyalty, sacrifice, being courageous even in the face of danger, standing up for what it right even when it is hard, and hope.
Dumbledore has so many speeches that I love that really hit home for me as do many of my beloved friends: Sirius, and Neville
The first is in the Prisoner of Azkaban:
I think it is important that yes, things may be hard and seem very dark with no end in sight but there is hope, just remember to look and search for the light!

the Goblet of Fire
My favorite line, "soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy." What is easy isn't always right and what is right isn't alway easy. I think of President Monson when I hear this, "You cannot be right by doing wrong; you can never be wrong by doing right." Do what is right, stand up for what is right, even in the dark times. Also, "remember... you are not alone," hopefully we do all have friends and family that love us and are always there for us, but we always, always have the Spirit with us, and the Lord can always be there for us, if we are worthy and ask.

The Half-Blood Prince:
If anyone remembers the songs of the sorting hat it sings at the beginning of each year. Well this was left out of the movies but there was one song in particular that was great: saying how we should put aside our differences because the only way we will defeat darkness, defeat evil, is if we are united, joined together. "That greatest weapon is you," When it comes to this world it is still true. The adversary is real and knows exactly what to do to try and get us but if we are strong and work together united we can defeat him and the worldly things he puts in our way to obstruct our path.

the Order of the Phoenix:
I love this part of the movie so much. First of all, Sirius is one of my favorite characters. It shows the true father son relationship Harry and Sirius have. It also shows, to me, the true struggle Harry is having,  trying so hard to be good and do the right thing but is brought down by the bad and hard things. I think each of us at some time has felt like Harry, where we are afraid and struggle but want to do the right thing, to overcome the challenge placed at our feet.
This always reminded me of a story my father told me when I was a freshman here at BYU and I was struggling:   
It seems in an old Indian legend that a grandfather told each of his grandchildren just before they were to become “adults” that within each of them there are two wolves struggling and fighting each other.  One was sent by the “Great Spirit” to encourage and build them up.  He would build them up and encourage them to great things and always pointed out that no matter what they were faced with he would help them use their skills to get through it.  The other wolf was mean and vicious and always pointed out their mistakes and where they had failed.  He would constantly remind them of those failures and whisper to them that because they had failed once, according to him, they would fail again and continue to do so.  This battle would rage in the souls of each Indian all of his or her life.  This story particularly amazed and frightened one of the old Indian’s grandchildren.  With great fear and concern he asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins the battle?”  To this the old Indian replied, “THE ONE YOU FEED!”
I love this story and it reminds me that no matter what comes our way we can choose the way to act, "the part we choose to act on, that is who we really are!"

Of all the Harry Potter books, the last one is my favorite (although I do love them all), there are so many parts in the last one that I love. It mainly has to do with Snape and Harry's sacrifice. Also, in the end, Voldemort doesn't really have a reason to fight, nothing worth fighting for, or living, for. It is proven when Harry comes back, the look on Voldemort's face and how everyone ends up leaving him  except the very corrupt and evil few. That is my favorite part, how Harry and all those who follow him have a reason to fight, something to live for, that no matter what it will not be in vain, good will win!

These books are so inspiring, such a great story of good vs evil, it is also incredibly funny! Fred and George are quite the mischievous lads, and there are quite a few sarcastic moments. These books have it all, you will laugh, you will cry and you will gladly do it over and over again. I have learned so much from these wonderful books and it has been such a fun ride that I will go on again and again! "The ones we love will never truly leave us" our loved ones will always be with us and we will see them again and some stories just stay with you forever!

(I can talk Harry Potter forever... I'll probably post something about it again at some point in the future)