Sunday, February 24, 2013

Social Media

I was introduced to something interesting today. In church we discussed how we each have a phone, mostly even a smart phone. Also most people have one of the following sometimes even more: facebook, instagram, twitter, and countless others! Now it is not a bad thing to have access to each of these media forms but here is a question that was raised to us: How often do you check these types of media? I thought this was an interesting question. 

It was also mentioned the contrast between the knowledge of the work (like what we get from the internet or social media) and the knowledge of God. How much weight does the knowledge of the world have in our lives? Does it overpower the knowledge of God? Which does your life revolve around? 

Ask yourself these questions. Make sure you distinguish between the knowledge of God and the knowledge of the world and make sure you follow and do the will of the Lord actively search ponder and pray for His guidance. 

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