Sunday, March 31, 2013



Dude!!! The title of my blog and the background of my blog is inspired by my favorite superhero: Batman and I haven’t even blogged about it!!! Well here it is.

I am obsessed with Batman! I have loved him for as long as I can remember and I’m sure my older brother Joe has had something to do with that. I remember getting my brother’s old Batman pajamas with the cape and everything! We would watch the cartoons together all the time and the movies.  

I love these movies, even the older ones with Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as the Joker. These new ones are even more amazing!! I love these so much, they are definitely my favorite and there are parts of each one that I love!!!

Batman Begins
I love the quotes:
"Why do we do when we fall!!
So we can learn to pick ourselves back up!!"
I love this because it is perfect for life. No matter what happens in our lives we just pick up and carry on!!! And Liam Neeson is in this one, even if he is the bad guy he is still awesome!!!

The Dark Knight
This is my ultimate favorite!!! Joker is my favorite bad guy in the Batman series; I am a nerd so yes I have a favorite bad guy in just about every superhero series. I remember when this was fist announced and Heath Ledger was to be the Joker. I was very skeptical because dude its Heath Ledger I do not see him as a bad guy but as the dude from 10 Things I Hate about You. This cute little dude. I saw the teaser trailer, which is just a voice over of Bruce and Alfred talking with the bat symbol slowly emerging and at the very end comes the Joker cackle!!! I was completely blown away it was amazing!! From that moment on, any doubts I had about Health Ledger being the Joker were completely dispersed!!! I knew he would be great!!! But I was wrong! He was absolutely phenomenal!!!!

I know many people dislike this one because it is so dark and evil, and I would agree with you it is pretty scary but I like to look at the messages in the movie and the whole purpose behind it. My favorite part of the movie is the scene with the two fairies!!! I love seeing this because it gives me hope in people and the world in general. It is great!

Also who doesn’t love the quote “ the night is darkest before the dawn” or “you either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain.”

I love this movie!!!

The Dark Knight Rises
There are many parts of this movie I love! At first I wasn’t completely blown away by it but the more I watched the more I loved! After I first saw it though I had my own issues with it but still loved it! I had a discussion with a film major about this movie and he kept bashing it and I found myself defending it! His biggest argument: This is not about Batman! It was more about Lt. Blake. My response: The point of Batman is that he does what is needed and that anyone can be Batman!
I love when “the Bat” first comes on screen! I also love when the bat signal is finally shown in the movie emblazoned in fire! I also love Blake, He is wonderful and does symbolize everything Batman tries to express. It is awesome!!

Bane is also a great bad guy (although I really do not like the fact the dumb girl was the true mastermind behind everything, it kind of belittle Bane in my eyes), but still amazing!!!

People always compare Joker to Bane, and I do too, it is difficult not to. People often say who they fear most as well. Many say the Joker, I have to agree Joker is such a crazy evil genius that he is terrifying! I am terrified of him. But thinking about it: would I rather be locked in a room with no windows or anything with the Joker or Bane? Uh. Sorry but Bane scares me a bit too much physically I’d take the crazy dude in the make-up!

Overall, these movies are epic and I absolutely love them! I felt these movies made Batman incredible and everyone started jumping on the Batman bandwagon when my brother and I are the drivers of this bandwagon and have been since we were kids!!!

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