Monday, February 11, 2013

My Favorite Book

(WARNING!!! If you have not read the books or watched any of the movies you shouldn't read this because I will spoil many things for you, but if you do not care (first how dare you, go experience it for yourself, or 2 then read on...)

I was asked what my favorite book as a child and as of now. It has not changed since i was nine years old, its Harry Potter, now and probably forever. Harry Potter was the first chapter books I read and it is what made me love reading. I can remember my mom and sister reading it to me before I started reading it myself because my fifth grade teacher told me I had to read the book before I saw the movie. In elementary school you were always suppose to bring a reading book with you for whenever they had reading time or you finished something before it was time, I remember bringing the Sorcerer's Stone, and eagerly reading it and the day the first movie came into theater, the day I was going to see it with my family, I remember running into my classroom up to my teacher and waving the Chamber of Secrets in his face saying I could go see the movie!

I love these books so much when the Half-Blood Prince came out I was at Wal-Mart at midnight with my mom ready to get it and start reading it. I was also in line at Wal-Mart for the Deathly Hallows reading it right away. This was the weekend before I was suppose to go to my fifth year of girls camp and I told my mom I am not going until I finished luckily I did and I didn't have to miss girls camp, but I was not the only one, I cannot tell you how many girls brought it with them and spent every free moment they had reading.

These books just slip you away to their world. You are no longer in the world of reality but in the world of magic, mystery, and adventure. Every turn is something new and exciting. While reading, eating and sleeping were such a burden, I can sleep when I'm finished was always my attitude, but that always seemed to fail because I would then start the next book. I have often said how I wish certain aspects of Harry Potter were real, namely two: the time-turner and aparation. The time-turner so I can have a few extra hours of sleep, and more time to just do some things. Aparation so I wouldn't have to use so much gas to get to work everyday, also so I didn't have to walk in the snow to class. Oh and a flying broom would be pretty fun!! Man quidditch.

These books are not just books to me but have taught me so much and is always very inspiring. I love the characters: Harry, Ron, Hermione, Fred, George, Ginny, Mr. and Mrs. Weasley, Lupin, Tonks, Sirius, Dumbledore, Professor McGonagall, Hagrid, Neville, and countless others. I feel so close to these cahracters that I cannot help but be apart of everything. I feel their excitement and success, joy, happiness, nervousness, anguish, fear, anger, love, sorrow, and despair. I weep (every freaking time!!!) one of my beloved friends has died and for those who linger on mourning and missing those dear ones we love.

These books have so many messages that bring chills down my spine and really make me consider things. I love all of the lessons of being self-less, love, friendship, loyalty, sacrifice, being courageous even in the face of danger, standing up for what it right even when it is hard, and hope.
Dumbledore has so many speeches that I love that really hit home for me as do many of my beloved friends: Sirius, and Neville
The first is in the Prisoner of Azkaban:
I think it is important that yes, things may be hard and seem very dark with no end in sight but there is hope, just remember to look and search for the light!

the Goblet of Fire
My favorite line, "soon we must all face the choice between what is right and what is easy." What is easy isn't always right and what is right isn't alway easy. I think of President Monson when I hear this, "You cannot be right by doing wrong; you can never be wrong by doing right." Do what is right, stand up for what is right, even in the dark times. Also, "remember... you are not alone," hopefully we do all have friends and family that love us and are always there for us, but we always, always have the Spirit with us, and the Lord can always be there for us, if we are worthy and ask.

The Half-Blood Prince:
If anyone remembers the songs of the sorting hat it sings at the beginning of each year. Well this was left out of the movies but there was one song in particular that was great: saying how we should put aside our differences because the only way we will defeat darkness, defeat evil, is if we are united, joined together. "That greatest weapon is you," When it comes to this world it is still true. The adversary is real and knows exactly what to do to try and get us but if we are strong and work together united we can defeat him and the worldly things he puts in our way to obstruct our path.

the Order of the Phoenix:
I love this part of the movie so much. First of all, Sirius is one of my favorite characters. It shows the true father son relationship Harry and Sirius have. It also shows, to me, the true struggle Harry is having,  trying so hard to be good and do the right thing but is brought down by the bad and hard things. I think each of us at some time has felt like Harry, where we are afraid and struggle but want to do the right thing, to overcome the challenge placed at our feet.
This always reminded me of a story my father told me when I was a freshman here at BYU and I was struggling:   
It seems in an old Indian legend that a grandfather told each of his grandchildren just before they were to become “adults” that within each of them there are two wolves struggling and fighting each other.  One was sent by the “Great Spirit” to encourage and build them up.  He would build them up and encourage them to great things and always pointed out that no matter what they were faced with he would help them use their skills to get through it.  The other wolf was mean and vicious and always pointed out their mistakes and where they had failed.  He would constantly remind them of those failures and whisper to them that because they had failed once, according to him, they would fail again and continue to do so.  This battle would rage in the souls of each Indian all of his or her life.  This story particularly amazed and frightened one of the old Indian’s grandchildren.  With great fear and concern he asked his grandfather, “Which wolf wins the battle?”  To this the old Indian replied, “THE ONE YOU FEED!”
I love this story and it reminds me that no matter what comes our way we can choose the way to act, "the part we choose to act on, that is who we really are!"

Of all the Harry Potter books, the last one is my favorite (although I do love them all), there are so many parts in the last one that I love. It mainly has to do with Snape and Harry's sacrifice. Also, in the end, Voldemort doesn't really have a reason to fight, nothing worth fighting for, or living, for. It is proven when Harry comes back, the look on Voldemort's face and how everyone ends up leaving him  except the very corrupt and evil few. That is my favorite part, how Harry and all those who follow him have a reason to fight, something to live for, that no matter what it will not be in vain, good will win!

These books are so inspiring, such a great story of good vs evil, it is also incredibly funny! Fred and George are quite the mischievous lads, and there are quite a few sarcastic moments. These books have it all, you will laugh, you will cry and you will gladly do it over and over again. I have learned so much from these wonderful books and it has been such a fun ride that I will go on again and again! "The ones we love will never truly leave us" our loved ones will always be with us and we will see them again and some stories just stay with you forever!

(I can talk Harry Potter forever... I'll probably post something about it again at some point in the future)

1 comment:

  1. Wow you DO love Harry Potter! I do too! I chose the 7th Harry Potter book as my favorite to write my paper on. The themes are so universal and I love the message at the end of the series. Quality entertainment right there.
