Friday, February 15, 2013

Warm Bodies

Alright, so Valentines' Day is a great day to spend with your significant other, celebrate each other and your relationship, but to those who do not have someone its kind of a blah day, nothing much to look forward to, unless you make plans, like I just did. Me and a few friends decided to go watch a movie.  We did not choose a cheesy, love, romantic, chick flicky movie but a more I guess romantic comedy with some cheese...?, I'm not quite sure how to classify this movie. Warm Bodies.

For those who do not know, Warm Bodies is a zombie movie (synopsis on Yahoo!). It is set after this zombie epidemic, it is not certain how exactly it started and it revolves around this zombie who is kind of weird when compared to the rest of the zombies. All he really wants to do is connect with people and remember things, like his name, he thinks it started with an R so he just goes by R. R meets a girl named Julie an feels something for her and decides to save her from the zombies. She sees that he is different and they form a relationship as they struggle to survive. She sparks something in him and makes him grow more human and also touches the other zombies.

I am not a zombie movie type girl, it really does not do it for me. The only zombie type movie I have actually seen and enjoyed was I am Legend, but I actually really enjoyed this movie. I call it a mix between I am Legend and Twilight, but so much better! I was pleasantly surprised by this movie and how good and funny it was.

The Good

1) It was so funny!
R narrates at parts throughout the movie and it is so funny. I wish he narrated more because it is so clever and witty. There are so many good lines in this movie that made me die laughing. Also R has a best friend, who is a zombie, and he is pretty funny as well.

2) The story
I actually did enjoy the love story in this movie. R is just a sweet adorable guy and the girl is pretty awesome as well. R has several precious moments that for a girl makes me go "aww...."

3) R
Would you believe that I fell for a stupid zombie...yeah, well I did. His character is just awesome and he is so sweet and cute. I am glad that every girl I know who has seen it loves this zombie too. One of my friends asked me if it was okay that she fell in love with a zombie? Yeah, he was precious.

The Bad

1) Swearing
There was some swearing in this movie. It all happened during one certain chunk of the movie. The worse of it those was the one "f" word that occurred.

2) It is a zombie movie
It was hard to watch these zombies going and attacking people to eat and survive. This gore and violence was difficult for me to watch, especially the typical eating of brains that zombies do, but luckily the attacking and violence was only during the first little bit of the movie and was alright to push through. And the brain eating did not last too long either.


  1. Ah brain eating....exactly what you want for Valentine's Day, right?! :) I saw a preview for this recently and wondered if it was any good, so thanks for the review!

  2. NAILED IT! i'm so glad we went to see this movie together as Valentine's dates :) and seriously i'm so in love with R. and now after seeing it, i can totally understand why you describe it as a mix between I Am Legend and Twilight...Julie still looks like Kristen Stewart to me...and the zombie grunting? HILARIOUS!

  3. My husband and I might go to this tonight! We thought it looked super funny and cute. Thanks for your review!

  4. I saw the trailer for this and thought it looked intriguing! Zombie love story? Thanks for spelling out the good and the bad... it's too bad that there seems to be a little cockroach in the sundae... gross!!! :)

  5. Haha, with all the vampire love stories going on, it was inevitable zombie enthusiasts would get a chance to show their take on monster love.
