Thursday, January 31, 2013

My new show/obsession....

BBC's SHERLOCK!!!!!!! 

First of all, I am absolutely in love with Sherlock, my father has loved the books for as long as I can remember and because he enjoys it so much I cannot help but love it as well.
This is the amazing series of Sherlock Holmes. I absolutely love it. I have seen other versions of this show as well as the recent movies with dear ole Iron Man Robert Downey Jr. Now down't get me wrong I love each of them for different but awesome reasons! But I cannot express how much I love BBC's version. I find this one to be my favorite!!

1) I feel like this show greatly stays true to the books, even has the titles of the Sherlock Holmes books are the titles of the episodes. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle may be proud of this rendition. I certainly love it.

2) Benedict Cumberbatch as Sherlock
He is one wonderful actor. A very amazing and convincing Sherlock. Definitely my favorite!!!!

3) Martin Freeman as Watson
First of all, he is the Hobbit!! Mr. Bilbo Baggins. I cannot help but love this guy and everything he is in. Every once in a while when I watch him, I see Bilbo expressions of in-fluctuations. he

4) Sherlock and Watson's Friendship
They are the oddest sort of friends you will see but they are amazing. There a a few episodes where you see how much Sherlock, who is a man without friends really cares for Watson, and is truly his friend. And how much Watson is really a friend to Sherlock, even after all Sherlock does to him. They save each other's lives multiple times.

5) Sherlock is Brilliant!!!
An amazing detective, who sees everything. My roommate watched part of an episode with me and saw Sherlock be Sherlock and was like it must be awful to be him. I would hate to have his brain. As amazing as he is I have to agree, I love his mind and his deduction and everything but it would be exhausting. Something I love that Sherlock says about people is that yes people see (everything he does) but they do not observe. I try to observe like he does.

6) The Intelligence of this Show
I love the crime in this show and how Sherlock solves it. I love trying to think like him and trying to figure it out before Sherlock tells me. I also enjoy that it is not graphic in the deaths of people, like some other crime shows. I love the twist and turns, keeps you on your toes and paying attention, cause seriously if you blink, you miss something!!

7) So funny
Even though Sherlock is quite blunt and can sometimes be quite rude he is also ridiculously funny. He doesn't usually mean to be funny but he is. Its just the situation which makes it funny.

8) Moriarty
First of all, he is my favorite villain of all time and Moriarty is Sherlock's intellectual equal. Je is just as smart as him and plans meticulously but more evil. He is an evil genius and quite creepy.

Love Love Love this show!!!!


  1. I LOVE SHERLOCK SO MUCH!!!! my roommate made me sit down and watch them all on DVD awhile back. I absolutely love that they're each a movie length episode! And I agree, it's so intelligent. I love that the words of texts and emails appear on the screen, and that Moriarty is the only one that can "see" those words on the screen (for example, he blows them away in one episode) which is a part of his psychosis. And its down right hilarious! especially when Sherlock shows up in his sheet! haha I think this is my favorite version of Sherlock Holmes because it feels the most realistic to me. I am for sure SHER(Locked)!!!

  2. I have heard good things about this show and your post just makes me want to watch it more! Also I just love Sherlock Holmes in general. Definitely keeping this show on my list.

  3. I have heard way good things about this show! One of my room-mates is really into it. I will definitely sit down and watch one with her soon! This makes me want to watch it even more!

  4. My husband and I love these:) The characters are so great and the plot is always really clever.
