Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Hobbit

Alright, I don't know about any of you but I am huge fan of Lord of the Rings and was ecstatic when I discovered The Hobbit!!! :) My brother and I were so excited we bought midnight premiere tickets. I even made sure I was finished with all my finals before the midnight show. I was so excited. I watched the movie and was completely entertained the entire time. So much so that the following Monday I saw it again (with my brother) and then again over the Christmas break!!! And trust me I cannot wait to see it again and I bet the dollar theater will be getting a lot of my money when it comes out!!!!

I was overwhelmed  with the music (I am big soundtrack person, absolutely love them and this soundtrack is amazing just like the other Lord of the Rings movies, Howard Shore is a genius. But there is a specific song I am thinking of and for those who have seen the movie I am sure you know what I am talking about!!

Check it out!!

This became sort of  theme to the movie! Each time a big epic fight scene is coming up the song comes and is like a pump up song. Each time I freak out and get so excited!!! Its awesome and gets me so excited!!!

Also there is Mr. Richard Armitage, oh goodness, who plays the dwarf prince Thorin (and who knew he could be so attractive as a dwarf?). For those who have seen BBC's Robin Hood or North and South you understand my uh... attraction? ha!! But his character is awesome!! There is one line he says towards the beginning "Loyalty, honor and a willing heart... I can ask not more than that." I love this quote because it is kinda a mantra for life, doing your best with honor and loyalty who can really ask more than that?


Each dwarf is so great and provides such comedic relief it is wonderful. It was so much more funny than I thought it was going to be.  Also I had a friend text me after she saw it, mind you she is quite... uh... what's the word?... oh yeah.. Boy Crazy!!! haha. She texted me and said "Kelly, I never thought I would say this but, I am completely and desperately want to marry a dwarf!" Bah ha, now before you judge her too quickly take a look at him because I'm not going to lie, she was right.

Now I have heard several complaints about this movie being too slow or nothing like the book etc. I just have to say (no offense) you guys are ridiculous!!! This movie is awesome!!! If you do not like this movie I can forgive you, we can still be friends. I just have one thing to say in an attempt to convince you otherwise. My father, is a purist, about everything. The first time I truly saw his purism was during Sherlock Holmes (2009). He has read many of the novels and knows so much about Sherlock you can ask him pretty much any question and he will know the answer. Basically, my dad is awesome! He was a little skeptical about the movie and the actors but despite his complaints about the movie he truly enjoyed it. Now he is the same with Lord of the Rings (I know again .. awesome Dad!). I talked to my parents after they saw the movie and I was very curious how my dad would react to the movie. My mom like me completely enjoyed the music and Richard Armitage and when I talked to my dad he said he loved it. My mom said which is funny because the whole movie he kept saying that doesn't happen in the book but he defended himself by saying he understood where they were going with it and how they were going to connect everything together in the next two movies. My dad truly enjoyed the movie and wanted to see it again and again too. haha. So if my purist of a dad absolutely loved the movie so can you!!

Now time for my favorite part of the movie, well one of many but definitely my absolute favorite line of the movie. It is when Gandalf and the dwarves visit the elves in Rivendale. The Lady Galadriel asks Gandalf "Why the halfling?" Why bring Bilbo Baggins? And Gandalf's response is amazing and so inspiring. "Some believe that it is only great power that can hold evil in check. But that is not what I've found. i found it is the small things. Every day deeds by ordinary folk that keeps the darkness at bay." I love this because it is true and we should all remember it. Also coming from a Latter-day Saint perspective this encompasses the Gospel. I hope we all can take this at heart and truly do the small things, everyday deeds to keep the darkness at bay, truly being disciples of Christ. 

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