Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Psych Favorites

So I was watching (well let's be honest, re-watching) some episodes of Psych. I was thinking about the theory discussed in my media class about use and gratification, the certain shows I watch to fulfill my own personal needs. I thought about this while watching Psych and I thought about why I watch it. Psych gratifies me need to laugh. They often make references to several different shows and movies. I love catching these references. Not only is the show greatly funny but it also makes me think because I greatly enjoy trying to solve the crime before the end of the episode.

There are several other aspects about the show that I love. One is the relationship between the main characters Shawn and Gus. They are complete opposites but best friends. Their dynamics of the show are great. Each character brings something great to the show and each is hilarious is some way or other. I absolutely love it.

I have some episodes that I absolutely love and watch all the time! I definitely have a top ten episodes and I have never taken the time to actually put them in a top ten list but I am going to attempt to create my top 10 thus far (this may or may not be accurate but it is pretty darn close) :

First let me start with an honorable mention. I narrowed my favorites to eleven and had to mention this episode because I do love it: Weekend Warriors (1.6). It is a reenactment of the Civil War, with Lassie heading the front and Captain Crunch, who wouldn't love that.

10) Last Night Gus (6.81)
      I call this the Hangover spoof episode, although I have never seen the Hangover I found this    episode hilarious due to Baby Thor and the drugged up Gus.

9) Not Even Close... Encounters (5.66)
   This is the alien episode with Freddie Prince Jr. as nerd ... gotta love it!!!

8) Lights, Camera, Homicidio (2.28)
    The Spanish Soap Opera... with Chad, ha. Need I say more?

7) Bounty Hunters (2.24)
   Shawn and Gus attempt to be bounty hunters to catch the bad guy... what more do you want?!?!?!
6) Earth, Wind, and Wait for It (3.43)
    Shawn and Gus investigate an arsassin (arsinist + assassin) and become firemen! What?!

5) Any Given Friday Night at 10pm, 9pm Central (3.44)
    I love football!!! Gus and Shawn are investigating the death of a football player and join the local football team, oh yeah!

4) We'd Like to Thank the Academy (5.70)
    Alright first of all, Ralph Macchio (a.k.a. the Karate Kid, um yeah kind of a big deal) becomes Cadet Spencer and Cadet Guster's sensei.  Oh yeah!

3) Romeo and Juliet and Juliet (5.64)
    Shawn tries to become a karate master and take on two rival Chinese Triad families. Gus uses his wusho skills to help, which sounds delicious.

2) Thrill Seekers and Hell-Raisers (4.48)
    This episode has some of my favorite lines in it. Shawn and Gus love bunny rabbits and get in deep with some adrenaline junkies who like to almost die. We also discover Shawn has never read the bible. Trust me this one is hilarious!

and Finally.... wait for IT......

1) Spellingg Bee (1.2)
    If you notice this is the second episode of the entire series, I watched the pilot and thought this could be an awesome show but was not convinced just yet but wanted to give it a shot. I watched the next episode, this episode and fell in love. I was laughing so hard my parents (watching some show on their television, while I was downstairs watching this) shouted down to me asking what I was laughing at, my parents were intrigue and thus, my whole family watches this show now!!! One word to sum up this episode: Banana!!!

We are all eagerly awaiting February 27th!!! :)



  1. I am also eagerly awaiting it!! I have to agree with you on a number of these tops. But your number ten, nine, and eight are probably my top 3!

  2. This is easily one of the most quotable shows I know. I approve of your top ten, and I believe we're all counting down to February 27th!

  3. I don't enjoy many contemporary TV shows, but Psych is an exception. My family started watching past episodes on DVD and I find it hilarious as well! The dynamics between the cast members makes this show worth watching. And I also love the movie references. My favorite one so far was the one about the movie Holes, which, if you notice, features our very own Gus as the character Sam. Good times.
