Tuesday, January 29, 2013

How Powerful is Music?

I recently went to the temple one morning, and as I walked out a group of three elders were walking in front of me. It was a snowy morning and I was trying really hard not to slip and fall in my church shoes. These elders, despite the snow and other conditions started to sing. They started to sing a church hymn, I Need Thee Every Hour, (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gSQ-3TD7g_g) and they sung it beautifully. I finally had to separate paths from those elders to get into my car and as I walked away I couldn't help but feel impressed in many ways and so much gratitude for those young missionaries. While I drove back to my apartment I started singing some hymns as well, I sung the first verse of about five hymns. I don't usually sing the lyrics of a hymn but just hum the tune because I don't consider myself a singer, I mean I can sing, like for Church and alone in my car but thats it. But this time, as I sung these hymns, without the music, solo, a capella, I discovered something very interesting that I have never thought of before, you truly focus on the words, the scripture and meaning of it. That is what I did, anyway. While I was singing these songs I focused on the beautiful words, inspired scripture and the importance and doctrine behind them. I found myself getting emotional as I was driving home, which makes it difficult to sing, but it was beautiful. I felt the Spirit so strongly and had a new sense of hope. It was difficult returning to my apartment to go back to the nit and grit of life, the typical routine.

Then it came time for me to go to work. I had to travel to Lehi this afternoon, taking, of course, the freeway. The road wasn't absolutely horrible but bad enough (and for a girl from Las Vegas, it was not fun)! I have never had my grip on the stirring wheel so tight before. I was so scared and worried and freaked out and basically every kind of nervous, petrified emotion out there I felt. There even came a moment in my drive I saw a poor totaled car on the side of the road (due to an accident) and the cop backing up to assist the driver. Then not too far north of that I saw several car parts and even a bumper on the side of the road. Seeing these things brought back an experience I recently had. Over Christmas break, while I was traveling home to Las Vegas, near Cedar City I lost control of my car. I had done a complete 180 and landed (luckily) in a snow bank on the side of the road. I was completely fine and my beloved Papa Red truck was also not harmed, I was very lucky that I walked away unscathed. I saw several other cars after that who did the exact same thing I did but were not so lucky. Having the vision of that moment pop in my head made me teary-eyed and so scared I was going to lose control of my car  again this time getting in an accident where my beloved truck was not so lucky and more importantly worried that I could hurt someone else or myself. It was at that time that I decided to sing some of those hymns from this morning. It was amazing the complete change I felt, and how I was not so scared anymore. Although my grip definitely did not loosen, I felt so much better and I did make to work fine with no troubles.

I feel so much gratitude towards those missionaries singing that beloved song. Because I heard them it make me keep that positive and uplifting music in my life, throughout a stressful day. Positive music can change everything and what is more positive than Church music. I am also grateful for a loving Father in Heaven who watches over me and puts people in my life (or path) for a reason and the Spirit for truly being a Comforter... and for my Papa Red taking care of me like always and his 4-wheel drive. :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPKpkrqBwNs

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