Monday, April 8, 2013

The Host

Alright so my two brothers and I always go to our cousins' house for conference weekend and the girls in my family always go to a movie or something during priesthood session!

Movie choice for this girls night: The Host

Alright I'm as skeptical about Stephanie Meyer as much as anyone! and critical! I have never read this book but wondered how it was and I overheard these two guys talking about it in the Math Lab this past week and they said it was better than expected and not too bad. So I was interested in seeing it just to see.

The Bad

1) The Pace
It started off pretty slow but it got better once it got going. I say the first 30 or so minutes was just plot set up, which was good and important but just slow, I got kinda tired and bored but like I said it picked up.

2) Cheese Factor
Not only was the beginning slow but also fairly cheesy but the awkward, ridiculous cheese subsided and got better.

The Good

1) The story
I actually like sci-fi. I find it to be pretty fun and some of my favorite plots and stories from sci-fi involve aliens. This story was actually pretty good I quite enjoyed it. They did very good portraying the story, although there were some holes (from what my aunt and cousins told me who did read the book).

I really thought they did well making the audience conflicted between the two love interests. I loved one because he was so attractive but he was mean to the Wanda but so sweet to Melanie. I loved the other because again, attractive, and he was so sweet and kind to Wanda. It was precious to watch. I was just as conflicted as she was, although I definitely know who I would choose if I had to choose!!! :)

I also think that the message in the movie was pretty good as well. The whole purpose for the invasion is to heal and to perfect. They came because humans were constantly fighting and killing they came to make us be kinder and more honest. But the invaders were intrigued by the human race. The aliens call each other souls and were so shocked to find that humans have souls as well. It was just a good message and the hope that there is in humanity.

2) The Cast
The cast was incredible, they were all very good and fun to watch. Saoirise Ronan as Melanie/Wanda. She did so well playing both parts it was quite impressive! I like her a lot, I'm sure whatever else she will be in I will be tempted to see it just because of her. Max Irons as Jared Howe and Jake Abel as Ian O'Shea. These three were incredible and I love them. Also William Hurt is in this movie which I was very impressed by!

3) Music
The music was really well done and I appreciated it. The last song of the movie (towards the end and the beginning of the credits) is one of my favorite songs by one of my favorite bands! Imagine Dragons!! :)

Overall, I recommend this movie. My aunt and cousins enjoyed this movie as well. I'm not sure if I will see it again in the theater but I would watch it again. Definitely, dollar theater and we shall see if I buy it when it comes out.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Percy Jackson

I am so excited!!! I saw a movie trailer the other night and I am so excited!!!
Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters

I love this series! I have always been intrigued and interested in Greek and Roman mythology, I think it all started with the Disney movie Hercules!

Hercules was one of my favorite movies as a kid and I remember watching it all the time and wanting to be Meg all the time. This movie started my love of mythology. I remember being a freshman in high school and there was a unit on mythology and I absolutely loved it! I have even taken several mythology type classes at BYU in the Classical Traditions department. I loved reading these books and seeing the connections made to mythology and past stories that I have read previously.

My mother introduced me to the Percy Jackson series and I remember reading all of the five books within a weeks time. I loved these books and was so excited when I discovered that they were going to make them into movies. The first one Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief came out when I was a freshman here at BYU and my friend and I went to the midnight showing because we were so excited! I remember we were the oldest people there that were not parents. We felt kinda silly but we really wanted to see this movie. We walked out of the theater and we did enjoy ourselves but were also quite disappointed because it lacked many of the plot points of the book and many differences.

I was upset because I was afraid they would not make the second one let alone the rest of the series because this was really lacked plot and story and changed some things.

I am excited for Sea of Monsters because it looks like it is bringing the story back
1) It has the oracle!!
The oracle is the serious plot development in the books because she hands out the quests for the demigods to go on to often times save the world.
The Oracle gives I call them “mini-quests” something that reveals the plot for each book which is to help the “great prophecy” which is the purpose of the entire series.

2) It seems to have many of the vital points of the book in this movie but that is just from seeing the trailer so we shall see, anything can happen.

3) They have many of the same actors, which I appreciated because I quite liked the cast they had. Especially Percy, because while reading the books I fell in love with this stupid fictional boy and it was nice to have Logan Lerman portray him because I find him extremely attractive!!
4) Anabeth is a blonde!!!
It really bugged me in the first movie when Anabeth had brown hair when she is suppose to have blonde but she does so I am happy!!

5) They brought in more characters from the books into this movie that were supposed to be in the first one but were not! Like Clarisse, from Ares! She is an irksome character but kinda important. Also it looks like they brought in Tyson who I also love so that’s exciting! They also have Dionysis who I greatly missed in the first movie!!! 

6) Nathan Fillion is in it!!!! :) I love Castle!! 
I am so excited for this! One of my favorite books are coming back to be put into movie and I hope it is better than the first!!! I cannot wait! I want to reread these books again so I think I have my summer book list planned.. at least for a week anyway, and then I can start the continuation story over again and read the new ones!!!